We are honored to present the Achdus Basket Fundraiser for Purim 5784.
Achdus Baskets are a great way to bring joy to fellow community members, lighten your Purim preps and support Cheder Menachem too! Make a one-time contribution and we will prepare and distribute beautiful Mishloach Manos packages to each family in our community on your behalf.
The proceeds of this fundraiser will be distributed between the Principals’ Discretionary Fund (Preschool, Boys and Girls Divisions) and the Cheder Libraries. Our goal is to ensure that your contribution directly benefits the students of Cheder Menachem.
New for this year! We have made it easier for you to participate in an Achdus Basket that will be sent to the staff of different community schools.
Questions, comments or concerns? Please reach out to achdusbaskets@chedermenachem.org.
Thank you for your participation!
Includes Kingston Jewish community and all other options listed below
Anash of Kingston and Scranton
Admin and Support Staff
Admin and Teachers
Admin and Teachers
Choose to send to any name(s) on the list and pay per name.
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